Hello Friends,
Welcome to the latest edition of Private Credit Insights where we reflect on shifts in the market and new opportunities before us. If you are new to PCI and would like a look back at our past editions, click here to view them at our website.
As we navigate the evolving financial landscape, a pivotal moment approaches for private credit and direct lending solutions. Over the next 12 to 18 months, we anticipate six to eight quarter-point rate cuts, potentially reversing over a third of the recent interest rate hikes, assuming inflation remains subdued.
This month's PCI features a column with PPL President Michael McAdams, positing whether mid-sized business are at greater risk than corporate or consumer defaults. We offer context around Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NSRSOs) and the financial data they may provide to analyze and gauge related risk factors.
Offering an example of PPL's vested approach, below we share a transaction with a transportation company where we were able to help them grow by providing funds to expand their fleet and acquire other businesses.
Join us as we delve into these developments and explore strategic insights to capitalize on the dynamic interest rate landscape. These shifts present unique opportunities to consider variable rate debt, positioning your portfolio for optimized returns in a changing market environment.
We thank you for being part of our PCI community and welcome your feedback and insights. Until our next edition, stay well and financially nimble.
Thank you,